Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Golden Knights

Left Clear Lake the middle of September just as it was turning cooler.  First stop Las Vegas, NV for a bit of rest and relaxation and to try our hands at a few slot machines.  Lady Luck didn't smile on us,  but we were able to get out of town before too much damage was done to our funds.
From Vegas, we headed on down to just outside Yuma, Arizona to the Army's Yuma Proving Grounds where we'll spend the next four months.  Drove in on a sweltering 106 degree day and wondered why we had left Clear Lake. Then we remembered that winter day time temperatures here can't be beat. 
Lots of history here at YPG (The Proving Grounds), and it's such great fun to be here when the Army's Golden Knights parachute team comes in for training.  Free shows every day.

Some Good Fishing

We arrived at Clear Lake late 2008 to prepare for our summer job amid some of the worst snow the area has seen in years.  What a sight to see the lake frozen over and to see it snow the middle of June.
WOW.  Work was tough this year. I was never so glad to see Labor Day weekend come around since it marks the end of work for the year. I was ready for a rest.  It was a busy summer since people had been cooped up all winter and just wanted to be outdoors once it started to warm up.
That cold winter had a great effect on the fishing this summer because there were record size catches brought in.  It was an awesome season to be out on the lake fishing.